Mother's Day is celebrated in unique ways all around the world. But for those whose mothers aren't around, for a variety of reasons, the holiday can be tough. One single dad decided to make Mother's Day as happy an event as possible for his sons — by wearing a dress.
Chatchai "Sam" Panuthai is from Kanchanaburi, Thailand. He's raising his two sons, Imsome and Ozone, all by himself.
In Thailand, families traditionally celebrate Mother's Day with a special ceremony at school. Mothers come to visit their children's classrooms, where students kneel at their mothers' feet to thank them.
Imsome and Ozone's mother wasn't around to attend the ceremony. But Chatchai didn't want his kids to feel left out with no parent there. So instead, Chatchai simply wore a dress and went to his children's school himself to do mom duty.
A friend captured the special occasion and posted it on Facebook, where it racked up millions of views — and a lot of love.

Mother's Day is celebrated on August 12 in Thailand.

Every Mother's Day, schools hold a ceremony where children kneel at their mothers' feet in gratitude.

Chatchai is divorced from his children's mother, who now lives in Europe.

Imsome is 3 years old, while Ozone is 5.

Their mom couldn't attend the ceremony.
"[Chatchai] wanted the children not to feel left out because their mother had left them,” a family friend, Kornpat Ae Sukhom, told Inside Edition.

So he put on a dress and went to the school.

Kornpat captured the moment and posted it on Facebook.
It now has over 6 million views and counting.

"Everyone enjoyed it and all laughed and took photos with him," Kornpat told BuzzFeed News.
"His two sons weren't quite sure what was going on and why Dad was wearing a dress."

"So cute."
Maybe Chatchai's sons were confused, but everyone else got the idea, and they found it ridiculously heartwarming.

"Why am I crying?"

"So touching. Cry."

"This is so cute. I love it."

"I admire the father who is willing to make you happy with your willingness to fulfill your child. Really appreciate it."

"How many fathers can love you like this?"
Clearly, Chatchai is one special dad.