When you find out you're having twins, it often comes as a huge surprise. Some couples are more genetically predispositioned to the possibility than others, but still. It's a big deal when you need to multiply the amount of supplies you need prior to their birth. World Cup alpine ski racer Bode Miller, 45, likely didn't know what to expect until his wife, Morgan, went into labor. The two had opted for a home birth, making it even more personal.
Bode and Morgan welcomed their sons, Aksel and Asher in November, 2019. However, the parents were open to sharing the details. Morgan posted a story about what happened on Instagram. Prior to sharing, she warned fans to "continue with an open mind and an open heart…and a strong stomach."
Morgan didn't want to share the story just because. She wanted to emphasize the fact that women really do go through a lot throughout pregnancy. What happens during labor changes them forever. While most of these changes aren't bad, it's still a truth that often gets pushed aside. Women really are superheroes, and it's important for everyone to know what birth is really like.
"I’m sharing because I want you to see we women are [redacted] mothers and our bodies are beautiful," she said. "It’s a scary emotional ride but [redacted], we are capable of so much more than we even know." Many women who have been through pregnancies might tell you that they're still unclear or amazed over what actually happened when bringing their babies into the world.
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Oddly enough, Bode had a feeling that he'd one day be the father of twin boys. And even stranger, he had a feeling that they'd be born around his birthday — October 12. "My birthday’s Oct. 12 and as we got towards Oct. 12 it was looking like it was very possible," he said, according to People magazine. "It was within that window of early pregnancy for twins."
But Bode was wrong. The twins ended up being born in November. Prior to the birth, his wife started having second thoughts about going through with a home birth. Luckily, the midwives they had selected had been called and were on their way after Morgan's contractions started. Bode also mentioned that his twins are identical — which is something else he had a feeling about.
"You said, 'I don’t want to do this today. I’m going to the hospital,'" Bode told his wife. "'I want to get an epidural,' I said, 'Well that’s not going to happen. That window has passed.'" It's incredible how quickly plans change. However, their original plan had one snag. The babies were ready to arrive before the midwives actually got there.
“You went over to the other side of the bed and said come push my hips…and within like three contractions I could really feel them going apart when I was pushing them together, which means that baby’s head is really getting low down in there and pushing apart your pelvis," he said to Morgan, reflecting on the adventure. At least Bode was on board with the plan.
"I’m on the other side of the bed and I looked at the tub on the other side of the room, decided it was too far for me to get there so fell to my knees on the side of the bed," Morgan added. As her hips were being held together by Bode, nature took over. Bode said that he "felt the head start to come out." After the baby was born, the midwives arrived.
"He was fully in the sack of water until his feet were all the way out," said Bode. His second son came right after. It's a reminder that when it comes to pregnancy, many women are unable to control what happens during that third trimester — or really, any part of it. Anything can happen.
Of course, the midwives weren't all that thrilled that Bode was trying to do this on his own. But then again, he didn't have much of a choice. "They were like, ‘Oh my god, holy s—, what are you doing?'" Bode joked. "I was like, I guess having babies? I don’t know." Both babies came out healthy.
This wasn't the first birthing experience for Bode or Morgan, but it may have been the most memorable. The two also have son named Easton and a son named Edward Nash Skan. Bode also has two children from prior relationships — son Samuel Nathaniel and daughter Neesyn Dacey. Neesyn is the oldest.
The birth of the twins is also celebrated because in 2018 Bode and Morgan suffered a tragic loss. Their daughter, Emeline Grier, died in a tragic drowning incident in a swimming pool. She was only 19 months old when it happened. Emeline found her way into a neighbor's pool, and tragedy unfortunately struck.
"I wish I could have one more day to hold you, but until that day comes, continue to work through me and give me the strength to bring awareness, my love," Morgan wrote in a tribute on Instagram. In the photo, poor Emeline is being given oxygen. "Your footprint will forever be left on this world," she added. "I love you, My baby girl."
Bode and his family believe that the twins were "gifts" from Emeline. The accident also made Morgan an advocate regarding water safety. "Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, Aunts and Uncles, EVERYONE….Please don’t rely on the visual stimulant of water to create your awareness," she wrote in a post.
"Understand that almost 70% of drownings occur when your children are not expected to be near the water," she continued. "When you think they are in the playroom or on the sofa watching tv." For those who own pools, it's incredibly important to make sure it's as safe as possible and not easily accessible to people outside of your home.
Morgan also believes that her daughter was present throughout the delivery. "Talk about divine intervention with this entire delivery," she told People. "There’s no question in my mind that she had her hand in all of this. She’s still very much here." While they'll never forget the loss of their young daughter, it's good to know that Bode and Morgan can keep her memory alive with their two new sons.