Airline Staff Goes Beyond For Crying Soldier Unable To Fly Home For First Child’s Birth

Brooks Lindsey grew up in Jackson, Mississippi, with dreams of becoming a soldier in the Army. At 25 years old, he was an Army soldier of the 114th Field Artillery Regiment 2nd Battalion of the Mississippi National Guard.

In 2015, Brooks met Haley Wilson and instantly knew that he had met the love of his life. Haley felt the same and just two years later, the pair married.

Soon after the wedding, the couple discovered that Haley was pregnant with their first child. It was completely unexpected, but they were thrilled and began taking baby classes in preparation for the big day.

Prior to Brooks leaving to go back on active duty, the two found out that they were going to have a little girl and decided to name her Millie.

Haley was seven months pregnant when Brooks left for active duty. Everything seemed fine for both her and the baby during their routine health check-ups. But was the doctor missing something?

After one of her last doctor’s visits, it was discovered that Haley had developed a case of preeclampsia, which is a condition that results in high blood pressure for the mother and can cause stress to the fetus. Haley’s doctor ordered her to come back to the hospital immediately and they would induce birth.

Upon hearing this news, the couple held out hope that Red Cross would allow Brooks some time off to come and be with Haley while she gave birth.

The soldier was granted a four-day leave, but the journey Brooks had ahead of him to make it home to his wife and new daughter was going to be one of the hardest things he had ever gone through.

To learn the full story and how Brooks was able to watch his daughter’s birth from afar, watch this video from Wonderbot.