Kaycee rushed inside the roadside diner where her mother worked. She went into labor sooner than expected and the baby was quickly coming… but her mom was already at the hospital! The only people inside the diner were two truck drivers who Kaycee had never met before.
As panic and fear took over the entire restaurant, the two truckers sprung into action.
Fred stayed on the phone with 911 while Peter attempted to deliver Kaycee's baby. Peter realized that the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around the baby's neck and his face was completely blue. The only way to loosen the cord, Peter was told, was to push the baby back inside! Peter (who had no prior birthing experience, mind you) was able to successfully deliver and save the life of Kaycee's newborn.
It was an extremely delicate and complicated process, yet this angel in disguise was able to unravel the cord as Fred encouraged Kaycee to keep breathing and pushing.
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What happened next made Fred and Peter — two seemingly tough biker dudes — break down in tears.
This story first appeared on LittleThings in April 2018.