Pregnant Mom Of 3 Gets Ultrasound, But When The Gel Burns She Realizes It’s Hand Sanitizer

After having three children, Rachel and Chris McQueen may think they are well-versed in how a pregnancy progresses, and the steps to take along the way. By now, expecting their fourth child, they know what is normal and what is not.

After delivering their first three children, the couple thought their doctor would know what to do, but there is still room for mistakes! The couple took to Facebook to tell their blog followers about one crucial error that had them in stitches.

The couple went in for their nine-month ultrasound appointment, not expecting anything extraordinary to happen. The doctor applied the cooling gel on Rachel before proceeding to take a look at the baby.

But Rachel felt a strange, burning sensation and realized it wasn't cooling gel at all: The doctor made a slight error, and applied hand sanitizer instead!

The sensation had the mom up and dancing around, a reaction her husband playfully mimicked in the home video they recorded in their car on the way home from the appointment.

You can watch Rachel and Chris tell their funny story in the video below.

Do you have any hilarious ultrasound-appointment stories you would like to share with us? Tell us in the comments!

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