One of the best parts about growing up is having birthday parties: you get to hang out with your friends, get presents, and best of all, eat ridiculous amounts of cake.
Even as birthdays become less exciting, cake never becomes less delicious. It does, however, seem less and less healthy as you get older.
Sometimes as we get older, we get health conditions that don't permit us to eat everything we want to. Doctors often tell us that we shouldn't eat certain foods. From sweets and desserts to red meat and fast food, there are a lot of things out there that we are supposed to wean ourselves off of.
But it can be really disappointing when we get to a point where we're told not to eat cake anymore, even birthday cake.
When one grandpa couldn't eat cake for his 80th birthday, his daughter decided she wouldn't let that ruin his day.
Instead, she stocked up on fruits and veggies and improvised.
Thumbnail Source: Flickr / Wikimedia

Imgur user Gunnar Hamundarson posted these photos to the image-sharing site, writing: "Grandpa couldn't have traditional cake for his 80th birthday, so mom improvised and made a veggie cake, and a watermelon cake!"
These cakes are so clever, I'd even consider having one for my next birthday (in addition to a normal cake, obviously).

He wrote, "Gramps turned 80 recently, but with his medical/diet concerns he told us not to get him a traditional cake. Mom stepped up and decided to make a veggie cake, and a watermelon cake!"
For the watermelon cake, she cut the two main tiers out of some enormous watermelons.

After that, she added decorations using other fruits, like cantaloupes, pineapple, grapes, and an array of berries.
This is such an adorable and sweet way to make a cake for anyone with health problems.
A watermelon cake is a great solution for anyone who has allergies, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and a variety of other concerns.

In addition to the watermelon cake, she also made a vegetable cake for a savory birthday treat.
This photo shows the first step of the process, where she stood up celery stalks around a bowl to create the bottom tier of the cake.

After the tricky step of getting all the celery to stand up, she added a veggie dip to the middle of the cake, stacking it on a Tupperware container.

The final step of making the veggie cake was putting additional veggies around the edge of the plate and around the internal tupperware.
She added tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, and carrots — but there are lots of other veggie options you could add instead if you want to make this at home!
What do you think of these fruit and veggie cakes?
If you would definitely eat or make one of these, please SHARE this article with your friends and family!