Teen Tells Weatherman Dad His Forecast Is Wrong, So He Fires Back Text About Paying For College

Chris Holcomb is a chief meteorologist at WXIA-TV in Atlanta, Georgia, so it's safe to say he knows a lot about weather.

His daughter, Claire, is a high school senior, so a lot of their time recently has been spent talking about colleges and where she might attend this fall. Because it's a big topic of conversation, Chris has been learning a lot about college and how expensive higher education can get.

Last week, Chris was reporting the weather when he got a text from Claire. He had just told his audience there was a high chance of snow showers, which he felt confident about given all the sources he'd used to make the prediction.

The text from Claire read, "The weather app says it's not gonna snow." Chris was shocked at what he read, but thought it was pretty funny.


The weatherman rolled his eyes and responded, "Thank you," then realized he had something even funnier he could add.


"Maybe your weather app will pay for your college," he wrote.


Then he shared a photo of their text banter online, where people thought it was amazing. Other meteorologists responded as well, saying how great they thought his reply was.


One wrote, "Best. Reply. Ever." Another said, "I need to remember that response."


Even Claire thought her dad's response was hilarious. If anything, this text exchange just proves how close Claire and Chris are: she can poke fun at her dad, and he can lovingly joke right back.


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[H/T: BuzzFeed]

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