Kristina Koedderich and Drew Wasilewski had trouble conceiving a child on their own. Like countless other couples who hope to be parents, they decided to try in vitro fertilization. They sought help at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science at St. Barnabas in New Jersey.
In 2013, Kristina gave birth to a baby girl. At first, everything seemed totally fine — until the baby grew into a toddler.
Kristina couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't "right" by the time their daughter turned 2 years old.
She doesn't look like Drew, she kept thinking.
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Friends and family often lightheartedly joked about the fact Kristina and Drew's daughter looked like she was a completely different race. Strangers frequently asked if she was adopted.
In 2015, the shocking truth was revealed through a DNA test: Their daughter was biologically related to Kristina — but not to Drew.
Not only that, but the white couple discovered they'd given birth to an Asian baby.