No one likes going to the dentist. It's always so uncomfortable having your mouth pried open and bright lights shone in your eyes while a dentist and their assistant stick sharp, metal objects in your mouth…usually while also asking you questions. (How do they expect me to answer with all that going on?!)
Just like all the other hard things you have to do in life, dentist appointments are like ripping off a Band-Aid. Get it done and over with, and the next day you won't even remember it — unless there's twelve minutes of video proof…
Twin sisters Ashlee and Amy, better known as the "Crashlee Twins," decided that the only way they could bear to get their wisdom teeth pulled was to go together. It may not have helped them at the time, but we're sure that now, when they re-watch the video, they are glad they can share in their hysterical, and sometimes embarrassing, experience together.
But these two ladies weren't the first sisterly duo to think of getting this procedure done together. We saw a similarly hilarious video when two sisters rode home after their wisdom teeth surgery, which made us laugh like crazy…just like their parents did while recording the ride!
From now on, we hope that everyone follows the buddy system when getting teeth removed, because like the saying saying goes, "two people on anesthesia is better than one" …or something like that.
If these girls cracked you up, please SHARE!