A marching band's drumline is an intense group of seriously dedicated musicians all working to remain in sync and keep the beat going for the rest of the players.
Watching their flair for meticulous performances can be mesmerizing, but the one below brought one of their instructors to tears with something much sweeter than pride.
The West Virgina University drummers were warming up for their performance at the school's game against Iowa State back in November of 2015. Their two instructors, Brandon Lojewski and Sami Fedorowicz, stood next to them as they began their regular chant.
After they botch their first attempt, Lojewski takes a moment to shine the spotlight on the four seniors standing in front of the crew leading the way.
That wasn't his only moment of sentimentality, though, as Fedorowicz soon discovered. You can see the confusion on her face as the students continue their chant and include the old playground song about two lovebirds, the two instructors in this case, sitting in a tree, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G."
She laughs it off thinking they're just having a little fun with the last game of the season, but when they make it to the part about "then comes marriage," they all immediately stop their drumming and stand completely still.
That's when she sees Lojewski get down on one knee to propose! Fedorowicz can't help but get emotional as she accepts his ring.
Take a look to see their sweet moment, and be sure to SHARE the precious engagement with your friends!