The band The Who once crooned the lyrics, “Too much, magic bus.” But can a bus really be too magical?
After seeing a recent school bus renovation, in which eight college friends converted a clunker into a gorgeous RV, I have to beg to differ.
Back in August 2014 eight recent college graduates decided to buy and covert a 1995 Carpenter school bus into a tiny house on wheels, “Despite only myself having any formal construction experience,” says serendipitibus, a Imgur user and participant who documented his and his friends’ efforts. Yet, despite their lack of knowledge, “Everyone stepped up to the plate and took on significant roles in the project.”
The final product, which they dubbed “The SerendipitiBus” not only helping the friends go on a five-month road trip across the U.S., it also came beautifully and is one of the most impressive tiny house conversations I have ever seen.
Just one step inside and you’ll be blown away…
In August 2014, eight recent college grads decided to buy a 1995 Carpenter school bus, on Craigslist

It was 40-feet-long, had a diesel engine, and a “killer paint job.”

The group drove 20 minutes to pick it up “and we were suddenly the proud owners of a bus (with nowhere to park it!)”

Regardless of its condition, “It was love at first sight for us.”

“We first bolted runners to the floor with rigid insulation between to keep out road heat and noise.”

“We next built boxes around the wheel wells to pack with insulation – again to keep out road noise.”

They built a frame for bunks next.

A kitchen was then designed.

And of course, they needed electricity.

The exterior of the bus got a makeover as well.

The final product is pretty stunning.

The inside is even more thrilling.

They designed an “amazing electrical system with five house batteries and a Schneider inverter/converter that we used to power phone chargers, computers, a mini-fridge, a microwave, and even an AC unit.”

The interior of the bus is brimming with surprises like secret compartments for extra storage.

They also created extra legroom in the cramped space.

Their efforts are pretty impressive.

“Books to make us look intelligent.”

“The kitchen with space next to the sink for a double hot plate/propane camp-stove.”

And they also included “The all-important liquor drawer.”

They also included a map wall with even more storage.

The map pinpointed where they planned to travel in the bus.

They built bunk beds for each of them, that all have a privacy curtain.

“The plywood under each bed is on hinges to allow for access to storage beneath.”

They also added a bathroom with a removable toilet.

An AC unit was installed below a shelf with a collapsible vent pipe to allow for them to slide the unit out to the beds.

Once the bus was completed, they embarked on their cross country trip!

Somehow they managed to find parking spaces all over the place.

They’re not quite sure how, though.

But the friends have one theory.

It was serendipitous – or SerendipitiBus

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