I have to admit, when something of mine breaks, my first instinct is to simply throw it away. For instance, when one of our chairs recently broke in my apartment, I was ready to toss it to the sidewalk before my handier roommate reminded me it could probably be fixed.
She was right, and it definitely made me think twice about all the other things I should have never thrown out that I could have probably easily fixed or even given a new life with a creative twist.
Taking a look at just a few of the examples below that people posted online has definitely inspired me to change my wasteful mindset for good! Some of them might not be the most beautiful solutions to look at, but you can't deny they get the job done.
Scroll down to see for yourself and let us know in the comments if you've ever gotten creative like this to solve a pesky problem.
And don't forget to SHARE with your friends!
[H/T: Bored Panda]
1. Dented Car Door

A man in Russia hired an artist to make something beautiful out of his unfortunate situation.
2. Broken Terra Cotta Pots

People have started purposely breaking their pots after one crafty person got creative with their mishap.
3. Colored-On Wall

I think it's safe to say the kiddo who colored this on the wall comes from a very artistic family.
4. Torn Couch Upholstery

Whether the cat's to blame or it's simply wear and tear over time, this elegant lace addition is a lovely fix.
5. Shattered Phone Case

All you need are highlighters to turn your own shattered case into a technicolor tie-dye.
6. Broken Baseball Bats

When Yankees pitcher Mariano Rivera retired from the game, he was given this clever rocking chair made out of several bats his impressive arm caused to crack apart over his career.
7. Shattered Clay Bowl

Adding gold to splits in clay, like with this bowl-turned-work-of-art, has been part of the Kintsukuroi tradition in Japan dating all the way back to the 15th century.
8. Water-Damaged Wall

This hilarious "fix" certainly makes the damage less of an eyesore.
9. Ripped Jeans

You can give your old clothes new character with this silly knee and elbow patch idea from Lauren at Sparkling Adventures.
10. Crumbled Wall

I'm not sure how structurally sound this is, but I hope they used books they really knew they'd never want to read again!
11. Broken Piano

When this Reddit user's old piano was too broken to fix without spending tons of cash, he simply flipped it over and created a magnificent shelf.
Have you ever transformed a broken item to make it last longer or give it an amazing second life? Let us know below and be sure to SHARE with your friends!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.