Man Builds A Flawlessly Flush Cover For His Hidden Closet Safe

We're all worried about the safety of our most valuable items in the house. What the word "valuable" means to each of us can vary. It could be on monetary terms, or it could be in the sentimental sense — memories in the form of pictures or old letters.

No matter what value means to you, you want to make sure that your precious items stay safe from intruders. Heaven forbid an unwelcome visitor makes their way into your home or apartment, you're going to want to make sure that your most treasured items are safe and sound.

This man took it upon himself to build the most genius contraption I've ever seen in a home.

As he films himself walking through the whole house as, perhaps, an intruder would, everything looks totally normal. When he gets to the closet in his bedroom, that looks normal, too. It looks like a beautiful new closet.

But, while the rest of the closet is totally empty, there are some shoes scattered on the floor. This will look completely normal when the closet eventually gets filled with clothes, but right now?

At 1:50. he pulls on the shoe right by the door, and all of a sudden it all makes sense. Do you think you would ever do this in your home? It's so clever, and no one would ever know that it's there!

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