10 Surprisingly Clever Ways To Repurpose Your Old Bicycle Parts

Because I was an accident-prone kid, my bike went mostly unused over the years. However, I had no idea there were so many creative options for ways to repurpose old bicycles — mine simply collected dust and ultimately found its way to the side of the road on trash day.

After looking at the projects listed below, though, I'm tempted to head to a bike shop and find whatever scraps they might have to offer on discount for my own craft. You might not think the humble mode of transportation has that many options for repurposing, but you just need a little imagination.

Have you ever taken apart a rusty old bike and given it a new life? Did we miss any amazing ideas you've seen others do?

Take a look at the ways to reuse old bicycle parts that other folks have tried, and let us know your own ideas in the comments!

And don't forget to SHARE with your friends!

Thumbnail Sources: Wikimedia Commons / ceridwenPixabay / markusstengle

1. Basketball Hoop

Instructables / uptimal

After taking the bike apart, Instructables user uptimal used hose clamps to keep this genius basketball hoop in place.

2. Braided Tube Bracelet

Instructables / J@50n

Instructables user J@50n tore into the wheels of their bike to get to the tubing found inside, then used the material to braid a sturdy bracelet. It's a pretty close match for similar leather options!

3. Tire Dome

Instructables / maximus

This impressive sculpture uses only ordinary zip ties and gravity to keep its dome shape. Instructables user maximus used 40 broken tires for the project, all purchased at a discount from bike shops.

4. Gear Earrings

Instructables / lauritacorazon

These clever earrings couldn't be easier! Instructables user lauritacorazon simply used pliers, two different sizes of jump rings, and an earring hook to pull it off. You can totally get even more imaginative with more gears and longer designs!

5. Tube Elephants

Instructables / mhj1

You need some basic sewing skills for this project by Instructables user mhj1, but you can't deny that the adorable result is totally worth it! Just be sure to wash the tubing with soap and water before getting started.

6. Frame Hose Rack

Instructables / sleepy120

Instructables user sleepy120 used the rear section of a 26-inch bicycle to create the perfect solution to a tangled-up garden hose.

7. Gear Bracelet

Instructables / Wolfbane221

If you'd like to have a dash of chrome on your wrist, you can follow Instructables user Wolfbane221's idea of weaving strips of leather through the bike's gears.

8. Wheel Lamps

YouTube / makjosher

You might want to invest in a few power tools for this project from blogger makjosher. He mounted the 26-inch mountain-bike wheels with screws, then added the string of LED lights before hanging the project up on the wall.

9. Brake-Disc Clock

Instructables / SerJ

Instructables user SerJ took apart a cheap wall clock and reattached the hands to the brake disc. They then used two large screws to stabilize it on surfaces.

10. Tire Porch Screen

Instuctables / JUDets

This whimsical spin on porch lattices or screens by Instructables user JUDets is connected with steel wire and they used the bikes' chains to secure them to the ceiling and fence. They also gave it an extra dash of cuteness by adding hooks of beads and sea glass around the spokes!

Have you done something creative with any of your old bikes? Let us know below, and be sure to SHARE with your friends!