Shampooing is a necessary step toward having a clean scalp, but I think we can all agree that we look forward to the rewarding feeling of running our fingers through conditioned hair.
Somehow, the creamy substance can turn even the most unruly rat's nest into buttery smoothness — and for that, we say thank you.
Conditioner as we know it has been around since a Frenchman named Edouard Pinaud developed a product called Brilliantine that intended to help soften men's hair, including mustaches and beards.
But did you know that conditioner can do more than just detangle your locks?
Turns out, the bottle in your shower can be a huge help around your home too — much like Listerine, which we know has some surprising uses besides freshening your breath.
Read on below to learn nine ways conditioner can rescue something other than your hair!
Why Is Conditioner So Handy?

One of the main reasons why conditioner is so handy is because of it's moisturizing quality.
Since most formulas are gentle enough to be used on your hair and come in contact with your skin, it's conditioning potential is more diverse than the instructions on the bottle might suggest.
The acidic quality that most conditioners have changes the structure of the fibers it comes in contact with, and is part of what makes it such a useful substance.
Conditioner Use #1: Washing Delicates

Many of us have learned the true meaning of "hand-wash only" the hard way.
With that said, having to buy fabric softener or mild detergent for the sole purpose of washing your unmentionables can be a nuisance.
Next time your delicates need some attention, try using conditioner instead. It will condition the fibers the same way it would your hair.
Squeeze a dollop into a sink along with lukewarm water and submerge delicates for a few minutes before rinsing.
Conditioner Use #2: Removing Eye Makeup

Like moisturizer, conditioner can also be used to remove eye makeup.
Squirt a small amount onto a cotton round and wipe away! Just be careful to keep it out of your eyes.
Conditioner Use #3: Clean and Soften Makeup Brushes

Give your makeup brushes a new lease on life by conditioning the bristles.
Massage some conditioner into the bristles the same way you would your hair and rinse with lukewarm water.
Leave the brush to dry flat for a few hours or overnight and enjoy its silky smoothness the next time you put on your face.
Conditioner Use #4: Painlessly Remove a Band-Aid

If you rub the areas surrounding a Band-Aid with enough conditioner, the adhesive will lose its strength and will be less painful to remove.
Your kids (and skin) will thank you.
Conditioner Use #5: Loosening A Sticky Zipper

The next time a sticky zipper is ruining your day, reach for some conditioner.
Applying a small amount to an unruly zipper will loosen it up, quite possibly saving your outfit.
Conditioner Use #6: Removing Stuck Rings

Loosen up a stuck ring by applying a generous amount of conditioner to the areas above and below it. Wiggle it around until it slides off!
Conditioner Use #7: Silky Smooth Shaving

Conditioner can be used interchangeably with shaving cream for all of your shaving needs.
Just squirt some out and spread it all over the intended area, then shave as usual.
Conditioner Use #8: Preventing Tools From Rusting

You can fight rust from forming on important items from your toolbox by using conditioner.
Apply a thin layer to the given metal surface to increase its life.
Conditioner Use #9: Moisturizing Cuticles

Use a little bit of conditioner on uncooperative cuticles to soften and prepare them to be pushed back. Use a cotton swab or even just your finger to achieve salon-type results.
Can you think of any other conditioner hacks we missed?
Please let us know in the comments, and don't forget to SHARE with your friends on Facebook!