The Easy And Fun ‘Triple-Flip Combo’ Braid Is Perfect For Day — And Night!

If you have longer hair, sometimes finding a way to style it in the morning can be a bit of a pain. There are so many ways to do so, but the sheer amount of hair can sometimes make it difficult to get a hairstyle just right. This two-minute double-fan bun is perfect when you're on-the-go, but if you want to keep your hair down, we have the perfect solution for you. And best of all, this triple-flip combo faux braid is perfect for the day-to-night transition!

All you need are thin elastics and a comb.

First, divide your hair into three parts — the one in the center should be slightly larger than the two on the side. Next, using one elastic, make a very loose ponytail out of the center section. Create a gap just above the elastic, and flip the ponytail through it. Repeat these steps with the other two sections.

When you've finished your flipped ponytails, you can adjust them by moving the elastics a little further up or down and by pulling at the hair against your head to create volume.

Now, slide the side flipped ponytails into the gap of the center one. Weave their tail ends over the center ponytail, and secure them together with an elastic. Repeat this step by dividing the tail end of the center ponytail into two sections, and weaving them over the ponytail over on top of it. Repeat for the remaining length of hair!

Don't forget to "pancake" the sides of the fax braid you just created, making the look soft and romantic.

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