10 Stretch Mark Remedies That Actually Work

Let's face it, nobody wants stretch marks, or as they are referred to in the scientific community, striae atrophicae. Those who find themselves with stretch marks are most likely more than a little self-conscious about them — it's hard not to be!

Understanding the reasons people get stretch marks to begin with is one key to getting rid of them. In essence, stretch marks are caused by the tearing of the dermis, the layer of skin between the epidermis and the tissues beneath. These tears can happen as a result of rapid growth or weight gain and also changes in hormone levels, particularly during key periods in a person's life like puberty and pregnancy.

The main problem, of course, besides getting them to begin with, is that stretch marks are so damn difficult to get rid of! Besides costly treatments like laser treatments and microdermabrasion, there are a few home remedies that some people swear by for treating them. For instance, the ancient Greeks and Romans used olive oil.

With that in mind, why not give a few of these tried and true remedies below a try!

1. Vicks VapoRub


2. Vicks VapoRub, Coconut Oil, Coffee Grounds

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Mix the coffee grounds and coconut oil together and make it into a paste, put a layer of Vicks VapoRub on your stomach, then rub the coconut-oil-and-coffee-grounds paste on top. Wrap Saran wrap around it four times and let it sit for 30 minutes.

3. Castor Oil

Top 10 Home Remedies

Put a layer of castor oil on your stomach, wrap Saran wrap around your stomach four times, and then sit still for 30 minutes.

4. Sugar, Oil, Lemon Juice and Vitamin E

Women Ideas

For this natural remedy, you need one spoonful of sugar, one teaspoon of olive oil or castor oil, lemon juice and half a capsule of vitamin E. Mix all ingredients together until you get a smooth paste, then apply it to your stretch marks using circular movements for two to three minutes.

5. Onions

Beauty Area

This one might make your eyes water, but it's worth it. Cut red onion rings, and using one at a time massage your stretch marks a few times twice a day for at least 60 seconds per onion ring. Once you’re done, put the onion pieces in a blender and mix until you get a thick paste and apply it on the affected area every few hours.

6. Lemons

The Indian Spot

7. Apricot Oil

1800 Remedies

Mix one teaspoon of apricot oil with a half a teaspoon of cornmeal to make a scrub. Apply this scrub to your stretch marks and gently massage for ten minutes before cleaning the area with water.

8. Egg Whites

1800 Remedies

Break one egg and separate the white portion from the yolk. Beat the egg white for one minute before applying it to your stretch marks, making sure to keep it on for 10 minutes.

9. Aloe Vera Gel

Ayurvedic Cure

Take a fresh stem of aloe vera and squeeze out the gel from it. Apply the gel on your stretch marks and keep it there for 20 minutes, twice a day.

10. Potato Juice

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Cut a potato into thick slices and rub it on your stretch marks for several minutes. When the juice from the potato is dry, clean and dry your skin.

Know a few people desperate to get rid of stretch marks? Make sure to SHARE this with your friends.