You know the phrase that goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"
That applies to recipes as well. If a recipe is good, why try to change it? It's because of that fact that it's not all that surprising that the recipe for apple turnovers isn't very different these days.
On an episode of 18th Century Cooking, Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. shows us a delicious recipe for this apple pastry dish from Eliza Smith's 1758 cookbook, The Compleat Housewife.
The recipe calls for three to four large apples of your choice, he uses golden delicious apples, which tend to bake very well. As Jas makes the recipe, you will see that it is extremely similar to how you'd make an apple turnover today.
The only difference here is that he cooks the apples and fries them in a pot over an actual fryer, rather than using his stove and oven. Other than that, it looks like after 260 years, apple turnovers have never needed a makeover!
If you liked this take on 18th century-style cooking, Jas. Townsend & Son, Inc. has many other fun recipes, like this delicious-looking chicken salad that is from an almost 300-year-old recipe! Can you believe how old some of these recipes are?
For more, you can follow Jas. Townsend & Son on Facebook and YouTube!
Don't forget to SHARE this tasty old-fashioned recipe with all of your friends and family!