I have lots of fond memories of going fishing with my dad. I remember getting our gear together, finding the perfect place off the river, and then waiting…
…and waiting…
…and waiting…
…and then usually getting bored after an hour.
I have admiration for the men and women who have the patience to make fishing their primary pastime or hobby. It takes lots of patience and lightning-quick reflexes. Sometimes you leave empty-handed, and sometimes you leave with the bragging rights of getting an enormous catch.
Recently, an Italian fisherman published photos on Facebook of his amazing catch of a record-breaking 280-pound catfish.
Fishermen are notorious for their tall tales about fishing and exaggerating the size of their catches, so this man better be glad that he had someone there to photograph the proof. I definitely had no idea that catfish could even grow to such a size!
Please SHARE these absolutely incredible photos, especially if you know someone who loves fishing!
You can usually tell when you have a bite as you suddenly feel something tugging. You've got to act fast to make sure it doesn't wriggle away.

Imagine how powerful that tugging must be when it comes from a 280-pound fish.

This catfish more closely resembles a shark than something I'd bread, fry, and put on a hoagie.

If you think this one is enormous, another catfish was caught in Thailand weighing over 600 pounds!

He can barely lift this huge beast out of the water, talk about a workout!

This one still might be a record-breaker, however, as it's a different variety of catfish.

What's the biggest fish you've ever caught? Does it compare?

Here is proof of its weight. As they say in Italy: Bravo!

Look at the size of that thing! It could easily have YOU for lunch!

With a 32-inch fin, this is one big catch. But then that lucky fisherman saw his rod was moving again... Did he catch another river monster?

As the second beast struggled to free itself from the fisherman, it seemed to nearly break the rod!

Luckily, he has the best fishing equipment out there: Sportex Germany

But will he catch this second monster of the deep?

Luckily, he had a fellow fisherman friend to help carry the load!

2 big old fish! Now that's what I call a successful day of fishing!

All in a days work.

Let us know the biggest fish you've ever caught and please SHARE!