We found this story online and just had to share it with you!
A man was biking to work one day when by the side of the road he noticed a poor fox that lay dying. He said, "This morning on my bike ride into town I came upon this fox that had just been hit by a car. His eyes were slowly opening and closing, he was shaking out of control and his heart was beating out of his chest. All I wanted to do was help him but I quickly realized there was nothing I could do so I sat down next to him and gave him the warmth and company that I think I would appreciate if I was in that situation. His eyes closed for good, the shaking was down to a minimum and as I rubbed his little head to comfort him, I literally watched his last heart beat. RIP little guy the world will miss you."
But then, get this: 8 hours later, on his way home from work the man returned to where he found the fox. Only this time, he saw something incredible: the fox was still alive! Yes!! The man comforted the fox, who was incredibly sweet and gentle, and took a picture with his amazing new friend.
We're not sure if there's more information about the fox. We sure hope he's alive and well, and I have a feeling this brave little guy is doing okay. Seeing things like this always puts a smile on my face!
Please SHARE this animal's unbelievable story of perseverance and love!
A man was biking to work one day when by the side of the road he noticed a poor fox that lay dying.

But then, 8 hours later and so miraculously, the man returned and found something incredible: the fox was still alive! The man instantly felt a connection with the fox, who allowed him to scoop him up in his arms. He we see the two new friends together, and it is such a heartwarming sight. I'm so happy this adorable animal is okay! What a surprisingly happy ending.