Woman Texts Baby’s Mom About Her Pregnancy, But Has No Idea She’s Lying And Already Gave Birth

Adopting a child is a long and meticulous process, especially if the child hasn't yet been born.

Jami and Greg Fought are not strangers to this process. They now have their son Kyson thanks to it, but their next two attempts at adoption fell through.

The parents understand that it would be hard for any birth mother to let total strangers raise her child, and they wouldn't take it personally if a birth mother decided against her initial decision to let her child go.

But now they are warning other potential parents about adoption scams. They were matched with a mom who was willing to give them her baby girl at birth, but the next day Jami and Greg both noticed red flags in her behavior.

The unnamed woman started asking them to pay her bills, which they did, as they were now responsible for the mother's needs. But because of how much she was asking, they thought that maybe she was just using them for the money.

Then, just before the mom's due date, Jami texted her to see how she was feeling. The woman responded as if she were still pregnant, and kept the fact that she had already given birth a secret. It wasn't long before the adoption agency caught on and the couple confronted her about her actions. They ended up not getting the little girl and were left heartbroken.

Just weeks later, they got the news that an 8-month-old baby girl was available for adoption. They are now the parents of that little one!

Although Jami and Greg got what they wanted — another child to add to their family — they want to warn others about this kind of scam to help them avoid the same heartbreak and expense.

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