We all fear this is what really happens when we hand over our beloved luggage to the airport gods.
YouTube user TheDStewart99 made sure to grab his camera and start filming when he looked out the airplane window and saw a major airport luggage fail.
Filmed at Pearson International in Toronto, this Air Canada flight was overcrowded, so people volunteered to hand over their carry-on luggage. What a nice gesture, right? If anyone's bags should be treated kindly, it should be these individuals' bags…right? Well, the footage you're about to see is what followed…
Instead of walking down the stairs to place the bags in the bins — or at the very least working together to hand off the bags from the top of the stairs — these baggage handlers treated the passengers to a front row seat at a show of utter disrespect. Let's just say, if anyone had a laptop in one of these bags, it may not have made it in one piece… Watch the footage below to see why.
After the video went viral with more than three million views, Air Canada said it had suspended some employees, and that their "employment will be terminated" after an internal investigation is complete.
Are you surprised by what was caught on camera? Let us know your thoughts — and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!