The family of a beloved Georgia elementary school teacher is mourning her untimely death as her boyfriend faces charges.
Alexandra Morales was a 24-year-old first grade teacher at Benefield Elementary School in the Atlanta area. She had taken a personal leave from her job and traveled to Mexico. She was there to visit family and attend a concert, but it was after the concert that loved ones were unable to get in contact with Morales.
She wasn't reported missing until the time came for Morales to return to work and she never appeared. She was last seen alive on October 30. On November 9, her family notified the school district of her death.
Alexandra Morales' uncle, Ostin Cuenca, spoke on the family's behalf with Telemundo Atlanta about how the situation unfolded.
Cuenca explained the family was trying to get in touch Alexandra and became concerned when her phone went from ringing to off. They began to work on reporting her missing.
The school where Morales worked was expecting her back in early November from a month-long leave. When she didn't report to work, staff reached out to her family.
It became clear that Morales never made it back from Mexico. On November 9, Morales was found dead in a car on a roadside in the Guadalajara metropolitan area.
Mexican authorities have arrested Fidel Barragán, believed to be Morales' boyfriend. He was with her when she was last seen on October 30. Police believe her remains had been in the car for just over a week when the body was discovered.
Barragán has been charged with aggravated disappearance committed by individuals. He may also face femicide charges, experts have predicted. Cuenca noted the family believes Barragán had help from other family members in the kidnapping and death of his niece.
Some of the most heartbroken by her loss are the students Morales reached in her two years as a first grade teacher. Principal Shonda Gipson-Stevens shared the sad news with staff members and spoke to each of the families of Morales' students.
"Alexa was adored by her parents and loved by her two brothers. She had a passion for adventure and traveling around the world was her joy," the GoFundMe page set up for her family by her sorority sisters reads.
"She was the most caring teacher to all of her students and her first-grade babies will miss her dearly. She was a loyal friend to many and a proud Hermana of our sorority, Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc."