This One Amazing Commercial Brings Back So Many Memories! I Miss Him!

Make sure your sound is turned on, because part of the fun is the music…and don't even get me started on the incredibly talented little boys who are dancing. Of course, the real STAR of this soda advertisement is none other than the King of Pop himself – back when he was at his very best, in my humble opinion. It's hard to believe this awesome commercial dates all the way back to 1984. Please enjoy this quick bit of nostalgia, and be sure to SHARE it with your friends. I must confess…I remember when this first aired on television…but I'm really telling you how old I am. LOL!!

During the filming of the SECOND Pepsi commercial, a firework exploded and Jackson's hair caught fire. Remember the videos of Jackson being taken from the scene on a stretcher with bandages wrapped around his head on the evening news? That was so long ago! 

Ahh, the good old days. This must've been one of the original major celebrity endorsement deals. If this transported you back in time, don't forget to click SHARE to spread the love with all of your friends.