Funny Commercial Shows What Animal Affection Looks Like In Human Bodies

PDA: public display of affection. It's not something we want to see in large amounts, say, on our way to work, or while we're trying to enjoy a walk through the park.

As humans with feelings of affection for others, though, we're prone to show that affection in certain ways to one another. In public, that usually means holding hands, sitting close together on a subway car, or keeping a hand on a waist while two people walk side-by-side. We're used to seeing this type of behavior in public. We see it in young love, we see it in newlyweds at dinner, and we see it in seniors looking lovingly into each other's eyes at the park. Some amount of PDA is to be expected in our society, and that's all well and good.

But, in this advertisement, there's something strange about the way these people are showing affection for each other. This isn't hand-holding, light kisses on the cheek, or a head resting on a shoulder. Instead, there's something slightly animalistic about the way these people in love are behaving around each other.

The first couple in yellow aren't doing anything too strange, but when a man in blue shoes hobbles over to a woman in blue shoes? Bystanders start to really wonder what exactly is going on.

Once you get to the very end of this commercial, you'll understand why these couples are showing their affection this way.

Until the end? Just sit back and enjoy the beautiful oddity of their love!

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