Army Wife Delivers Miracle Quads, Survives Thyroid Cancer

After serving two tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, all Andy Adams wanted when he got home was to start a family with his wife Ashley. When they had trouble conceiving, doctors prescribed a fertility drug. In just a few weeks Ashley was pregnant, and like Lindsay Sauer, she thought it was twins. The doctors told her it was triplets, and then…

"Then the doctor said, 'Wait, It's not triplets. There are four babies here,'" said Ashley. "Andy's face went white. He was just standing there, looking at the screen. I thought maybe he was going to hit the floor."

"My ideal number was two when we first met, and she said 10. So, I guess we met in the middle,"Andy jokes. The couple was excited, but the pregnancy was high-risk. Two of the babies shared the same placenta, and Ashley could miscarry. Then after nine weeks of bed rest, there was more news: Ashley had a cancerous lump on her neck. Still, she decided to keep a positive attitude and address the cancer after the pregnancy. At 30 weeks, Amy went into labor and delivered four healthy premies — three girls and one boy.

On top of the four little miracles, there was another: Ashley successfully recovered from the thyroid surgery. To see how their quads are doing today, visit them on Facebook at Our Quad Life.

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