When mom handed little baby Sierra the telephone, this tiny little girl decided she had some very important things to say.
That's because Sierra's grandmother was talking on the other end of the line, and Sierra, who loves her grandmother more than anything in the whole world, was intent on speaking with her for the next few hours.
While grandma loves little Sierra just as much, there's a slight problem: Sierra isn't forming the most intelligible of sentences at this point. However, you can't necessarily blame the little girl, she tries as hard as she can to speak into the phone, and we're absolutely positive that she's making perfect sense to herself.
For the time being, little Sierra only speaks in baby babble, testing out her tongue all while soaking up new words and phrases every single day. It's always so interesting to see just how closely children watch us and copy everything that we do. But something tells us that once this little angel begins to string together sentences that she's going to have quite a lot to say as the years roll by!
Please SHARE this adorable video if you think you know what Sierra is saying to her grandma!