Since the dawn of mankind, it's been known: babies cry over everything. Sometimes, it's for understandable reasons — maybe their diaper is dirty, or they're hungry. But other times, it seems like they're just sobbing because they need something to do. That's exactly what happened when little Ivy gave her dad a headband to play with…but then cried as soon as he put it on his head. But what happened next has me both confused and dying of laughter!
It's pretty incredible how Ivy can go from crying her eyes out to nodding very calmly in less than a second. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was bluffing, just like this adorable little boy who got called out in the cutest way possible! Her dad seems so confused about what she actually wants, and frankly, so am I. But the way he's giggling at his daughter's antics really made me smile.
Just like this dad who played his crying baby like a violin, it's clear that this daddy really knows that as long as nothing is actually wrong, a crying baby is no big deal. Ivy might be young, but her dad already seems to have this whole "baby" thing figured out…well, for the most part at least. But I don't think anyone could surmise why little Ivy is having such fast-changing opinions about that pesky headband!
Doesn't this video perfectly sum up how it is to have a young toddler? SHARE this cute daddy-daughter moment with all your friends and make them smile!