She Finds A Tiny Baby Dying In The Sun. When She Picks It Up? MAGIC.

This video is fabulous proof that even the smallest of earth's creatures deserve love.

While walking the beach early one morning on their vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, a daughter and her mom stumbled across something incredible. Stuck on his back and practically dried up in the hot sun was a tiny sea turtle baby. He was dehydrated and dying, and far from the place in which he desperately needed to be — the ocean!

They quickly picked him up and spent some unforgettable moments with the turtle before placing him at the water's edge. And what do you know — the baby came right back to them. Guess he wasn't ready to say goodbye!

After a few minutes and thanks to these two lovely ladies, the baby turtle was able to make out to the vast ocean. She says it was one of the most magical moments of her entire life.

According to, "Literally, every sea turtle species on earth nests on Mexico’s beaches, save one that is only found in Australia. That’s why we’re known as the sea turtle capital of the world…Current Mexican law classifies all sea turtle species as endangered."

Once baby sea turtles hatch, they're on their own. It's up to them to get themselves into the ocean — thank God this mom and her daughter gave him that chance. How beautiful is this video?

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