Funny Baby Makes Twin Sister Laugh, But How She Does It? Just HILARIOUS!!

Ready for a video that will totally make your day? Because if the next 20 seconds don't make you smile, nothing will.

If you've ever doubted that twins have that 'special' connection, just check out the way these two share their incredible energy. I could not stop laughing at these wild little munchkins!

Here, we see a baby girl treating her twin sister to a big, hearty laugh fest. All she has to do is make funny fart sounds with her mouth, and out comes the most infectious giggles and laughs from the little lady on the left.

It almost looks like these little munchkins are feeding off one another, but I'd like to think it's something even deeper. These twins definitely share a great sense of humor, and although I've watched this video three times now, it just gets better and better.

And did you know? The twin birth rate rose 76 percent from 1980 through 2009, from 18.9 to 33.3 per 1,000 births. If the rate of twin births had not changed since 1980, approximately 865,000 fewer twins would have been born in the United States over the last three decades.

This is the sweet, simple type of video that's perfect to watch when you need a little pick-me-up — and that's precisely why you should SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!