Bartender Jumps Over Bar To Save Choking Patron’s Life

One man considers himself lucky after he was saved from choking at a bar.

Herb Pomerance, a regular at The Regal Seagull, was sitting at his usual spot in the restaurant and eating a burger the bartender recommended when a piece of that burger became lodged in his throat. 

The restaurant's camera caught all of the action. Herb gestures that he can't breathe, and the bartender, Patrick Fagan, nimbly hoists himself over the bar to perform the Heimlich maneuver on the patron.

At first, it looks like Patrick struggles to perform the life-saving maneuver. In fact, he says that it took him at least four tries before succeeding in dislodging the piece of burger form Herb's throat.

Thankfully, he was able to. But it's what the patron does right after his life was saved that is the most shocking. He goes right back to the bar, sits down, and continues to eat the burger!

Now, people are calling Patrick a hero for saving this man's life! He says that it was the first time he ever had to perform the maneuver, and that he sensed he was applying pressure in the wrong area of the abdomen. Indeed, experts are saying that the Heimlich maneuver is correctly performed with both arms clasped around the abdomen, just above the belly button.

If you want to thank this bartender for his quick thinking, please SHARE!

Hopefully no one ever chokes here again…but if it does happen Super Paddy will be here to rescue you.

Posted by The Regal Seagull on Monday, November 9, 2015