Mom Gives Babysitter Extra Chore List With Incentives & People Think It’s A Brilliant Idea

A mom took to TikTok to share the list that she recently left for her babysitter. She explained that she's a working mom, so she hasn't had the time to get to some of the chores that she's been meaning to work on. "The clutter is making all of us feel stressed," she admitted on TikTok. To deal with this, she gave her babysitter a list of chores, along with how much she would pay the babysitter for each one. She explained that she gave the babysitter the option to do any, all, or none of the tasks on the list.

On TikTok, the mom shared an image of the list she left for the babysitter. "You are more than welcome to hang out and watch TV all night, but if you want to make some extra $, these jobs are up for grabs," she wrote.


She offered $10 for most of the tasks, including organizing toys, cleaning mirrors and windows, cleaning up the silverware drawer, and sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor.

"Scrub out inside of fridge and reorganize food, wipe off front," was priced at $15.

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The woman offered $3 for vacuuming the couch, then concluded the note with, "Just let me know if you decided to do any of these and the grand total I owe you on top of the babysitting money. Thanks for being here."


In the caption, she explained that in addition to being a teacher, she's also a small business owner. She wrote, "If my sitter decides to do this, I'll be forever grateful. If not, I'll get to it later like I already had planned."


She also added that she originally planned on staying home and cleaning that night, but "could use a date night."


The mom asked TikTok users to weigh in: "Good idea or not?" she asked.

Many told the mom that they loved the idea — especially because she gave the babysitter options.

"I think this is great," one person responded. "Especially your saying pick and choose if you want to do some or all or none. I would have loved the list to know how to help."

Several people admitted that when they babysat, they would help with cleaning for free, so they would really appreciate the extra money.

"as a babysitter that usually just cleans anyways bc i can't sit still, i'd appreciate the thought and compensation," one person wrote.

Though the majority of people who commented thought it was a good idea, some were concerned that the pay the mom was offering seemed too low.

"The work that needs to be done doesn't match the pay," one person wrote, adding that it's still nice to give the babysitter the option.

"Those are 1990 prices," one person commented. The mom responded to people who commented about the pay, asking for their opinions on what would be fair for the amount of labor and saying that she would adjust it in the future.

Others defended the mom, saying the money she offered was reasonable, especially for a teenage babysitter.