This Pigeon Was Rescued By Chance, And Now He’s A Famous Model!

Stories of making an unexpected animal friend always make the world a more magical place.

George Keaton and Mariah Naella discovered that firsthand one day when they found a tiny egg on their counter, left there by a repairman who had accidentally destroyed a nest while working on the couple's home.

They were ready to discard the egg, and then something amazing happened: It hatched!

After looking up what to do, they began to care for the tiny baby bird — which they named Camp — feeding him with a syringe and watching him grow.

After two months, George and Mariah decided it was time for Camp to return to the wild. But after spending so much time with them, Camp wasn't ready to leave his family.

So today, some two years later, Camp hangs out with George, Mariah, and their baby, and is known and loved by the neighbors. He's even got his own Instagram, as unique animal friends are known for having, like this adorable baby raccoon.

But they couldn't have foreseen what would happen next…

(h/t: Colossal)

Today, Camp is living the family life with Mariah and George, their baby, and the family dog.

A photo posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

Camp comes and goes as he pleases, but he never strays far, and always comes home at night — and for a snack.

A photo posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

And to take a bath.

A video posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

Camp quickly became something of a local celebrity thanks to his Instagram, and we agree — he's pretty photogenic.

A photo posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

Camp soon captured the attention of Adele Renault, a Belgian painter who's fascinated with birds. She immediately fell in love.

A photo posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

She was so inspired, she started painting large-scale portraits of Camp.

She created these beautiful, detailed paintings of a creature many others might overlook.

Adele Renault is known for her realistic style, and so her portraits of Camp are incredibly detailed.

This completed painting shows camp in his "flight suit," a little onesie designed for pet birds.

And Camp approves.

A photo posted by Campbell (@campthepigeon) on

Taking in a wild animal is a big responsibility, but people do it all the time. Would you?

Camp continues to live happily with George and Mariah, and Adele continues to paint his likeness.

You can see more of Adele's artwork on her website and Facebook.

If you know someone who loves strange animal friends and awesome artwork, be sure to SHARE this crazy story!