This Cashier Let A Customer Steal Right In Front Of Him. But When I Saw Why… I’m Stunned!

Every now and then something happens that changes the way you feel about, well, other people.

When we turn on the news it's easy to get wrapped up on the rather terrifying things that happen here in the United States and abroad. There are riots, war, famine, and oppression. My heart breaks just a little with each reporting of bad news.

But then it's people like this, who in an instant can remind you that, as individuals, most people are kind and compassionate.

This cashier makes me recall the one who gave a stressed-out mom a free meal and made her day!

When Karridy Askenasy was standing in line at his local Walgreens, the cashier alerted him that he was waiting for another customer to return.

The customer had told the cashier she left her wallet in her car and she was going to retrieve it.

Askenasy, however, noticed that that very customer was driving away. He told the cashier to use the security cameras to report her to the police.

The cashier refused. He let her get away with it. But when I heard his reasoning and saw what he did next, I understood it was the right thing to do.

See why the cashier let the woman go free below and SHARE if this act of kindness inspired you!

Meet Kariddy Askenasy. While he was shopping at Walgreens he saw a cashier do something that seemed a little bizarre.

Karridy Askenasy / Facebook

"I approached the counter to pay for my items, and the young man apologized that he couldn't check me out because he was waiting for the previous customer to get some money from her car."

Karridy Askenasy / Facebook
Karridy Askenasy / Facebook

"'That one? The one driving away?' I asked. He looked disappointed. But then quickly pulled out his wallet and swiped his own debit card to pay for the balance of her purchase. I reminded him that they had cameras in the parking lot, and that he should give her plates to the police."

"He didn't seem to want to, telling me, 'She was buying formula.' It was only $6 or so, but I found his decision and example of character to be priceless."

Karridy Askenasy / Facebook

But this is just the beginning. See what Askenasy did for the humble cashier in the video below!

SHARE if this small gesture inspired you!