Pets can often sense when their owners are in danger.
There are countless stories of pets saving their owners, like the dog who detected his owner's near-fatal heart attack. It is hard to know if these incredible animals are aware of what they are doing or if they simply have a sense that something is amiss. And when I saw this absolutely incredible story about a cat who saved his owner, I couldn't believe it.
Tommy is an orange and tan cat who lives with his owner, Gary Rosheisen, in Columbus, Ohio. Gary is wheelchair-bound and has very weak bones as a result of severe osteoporosis. Gary brought Tommy into his life three years ago as a way to improve his life and help lower his blood pressure. Gary also frequently suffers from seizures, so he has been trying to teach Tommy how to dial 911 using a speed dial button on the phone in the case of an emergency.
Then one day, just such an emergency occurred. This unbelievable story of what Tommy the cat was able to do to save Gary is truly amazing.
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h/t USA Today
Note: The cat in the photos below is not actually the cat featured in this story.

When Gary Rosheisen fell out of his wheelchair, he was unable to get up as a result of his osteoporosis. He wasn't able to reach the cord that hangs from the wall to call the paramedics and he wasn't wearing his medical alert necklace. Gary was completely alone as he lay disoriented on the floor with no way to call for help.
However, a police officer arrived at Gary's apartment. Someone had dialed 911 from Gary's phone and said nothing. The dispatcher called the phone back, and when no one answered, they sent an officer to check out the problem.

With Gary unable to reach the phone, who had called 911? The only possible explanation was Tommy, who was laying next to the telephone on the floor of the living room. Officer Patrick Daugherty believes the cat must have called for help. He acknowledged to USA Today, "I know it sounds kind of weird." But Gary doesn't think it is weird at all. He knows the truth: "He's my hero."
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