It's no secret that cats have a reputation for being pretty smart. Sure, they're also known for being independent and low-maintenance, but their sly intelligence is what often draws people to them. Even in TV shows and cartoons, cats are often depicted as being quick thinkers who can not only outsmart dogs, but sometimes humans as well.
If you've ever had a cat, you know that this stereotype can sometimes be true, and these fury felines have been known to give their owners a run for their money. With that being said, many cats enjoy toys and games that give them a chance to test their smarts.
Unfortunately for this cat, it looks like he may have gotten in over his head when he decided to try his luck at a game of Whack-A-Mole. Although this game is usually fairly simple, in this version, each time the cat stepped on a wooden peg, he was greeted by a mole popping up from the board.
After a few slaps of the paw, it was clear that this cat was a little confused. Although he never seems to quite figure the game out, his reaction is priceless.
Watch the video below to see this cute little cat playing Whack-A-Mole. Please SHARE this post with your friends on Facebook to find out what they think!