Cats are known as being slightly standoffish, as well as very, very curious.
But what about this cat? He's definitely got his fair share of curiosity… or else he'd never had made it into the pickle he finds himself in now.
Now, I've seen cats leaping up onto the tops of cabinets before to get the best vantage point of the entire living room, but I've ever seen anything quite like this before.
When this cat finally discovered that the ceiling had a hole in it, he promptly investigated the situation.
This Russian kitty really is sneaky. If I were this woman, looking for the cat in the house, and walked into the room to see this strange sight? I'd have a real fright! I've never seen anything like this before, and I hope that I never have to encounter it for a number of reasons. For one thing, how did that kitty cat get all the way up there? Secondly, this looks truly spooky! It's as if the ceiling itself is alive.
What would you do if you saw this? I'd probably yelp and run the other way. I've seen the movies before — I know that when a house comes to life, it can only go bad from that point.
Has your cat ever done anything like this little one? They're such nosey critters!
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