Since 2004, the Celtic Women have been taking the world by storm. With their gorgeous looks and angelic voices, it's easy understand how they've managed to sell over 8 million albums. In 2010, the Celtic Women joined forces with an amazing group of kids for a mind-blowing rendition of "You Raise Me Up." Together, the two acts created a musical force like never before. Their combined vocals are stellar, the harmonies are beautiful and the emotion can only be described as heavenly.
The PS22 Chorus is comprised of 60-70 fifth-graders. Over the years, they've performed with many famous artists, including Katie Perry and Carrie Underwoods. Like the Celtic Women, PS22 is a viral sensation all its own. We've seen inspirational children's choirs before, but never like this!
Gregg Breinberg, PS22 Director, says, "I personally think this is the most potent musical accomplishment to come out of our collaboration with the group, and it kills me every time. Even Lisa Kelly seems to be a little choked up at a point when she's singing lead and the kids come in. This is what beautiful music is all about, right here in this video." Amen!
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