Talented kids from all over Utah make up the One Voice Children's Choir, but when the group of 100 took the stage on America's Got Talent singing Ellie Goulding's challenging super hit, "Burn," they told the judges their goal was to win the show.
While the group got off to a rocky start trying to dig into the song's demanding harmonies (I was even worried that their shot at fame might be cut short), the children's choir managed to pull through and actually impress some of the judges. By the end of the song, this group of talented kids sent chills up my spine, just like this talented little starlet show-stopper did on The Voice!
Despite a hung vote, judge Howard Stern really got behind them and even tried a hilarious new way to beg one of his fellow judges to put the group through to the next round that you just have to see for yourself.
No matter how good they were, or how funny the judges were, for me, the best part about this group was the look of sheer joy on the kid's faces and the elation that took over the stage and theater as the crowd cheered when they heard the final vote.
If you enjoyed this group's impressive voices (or if you just really liked watching Howard Stern grovel), please SHARE this video with all of your friends.