Family Starts To Lose Weight Together And 6 Months Later They All Look Like New People

It's the very beginning of 2018, which means people everywhere are trying to follow through on New Year's resolutions.

Some of the most popular resolutions include eating healthier foods, exercising more, and losing weight.

Of course, saying you want to lose weight and actually being able to do it are two entirely different things. It can be really challenging to find the motivation to work out and eat well.

One family knows how hard this can be, but they didn't let the challenge defeat them. A Chinese photographer named Jesse decided to take on a weight-loss program with his whole family.

Jesse and his wife were expecting a new baby, so Jesse's mom decided to move in with them to help out with the infant. Jesse thought this could be a good time for his whole family to bond, so he invited his dad to move in too.

Thumbnail Photo: Instagram / xyjesse

[H/T: BoredPanda]

Jesse, who's  32, was excited to be expecting a baby with his wife. Of course, they were also overwhelmed.

Jesse's mom decided to move in with them to help out, and Jesse saw it as a great bonding opportunity.

Jesse invited his dad, who ran a bamboo factory, to move in as well.

When his dad showed up, he had a beer belly and an alcohol problem.

Jesse thought a weight-loss program could renew his dad's zest for life, so the two of them started slowly exercising together.

They began by walking, then progressed to jogging, and eventually they started going to the gym.

Throughout the course of a few months, they kept track of their weight loss and photographed their progress.

The results are absolutely amazing.

Because their lifestyles totally changed, the rest of Jesse's family got involved, too.

His mom started losing weight as well!

Jesse and his family originally planned on doing their workout regimen between March 10, 2017, and September 30, 2017, but they've continued staying healthy.

Jesse's favorite part about the whole experience, though, was getting to see his dad become confident in himself again.

And it's easy to see why he's so confident now — just look at these pictures!

Jesse's dad went from having a beer gut to having well-defined six-pack abs.

Not only does he look really fit now, he also looks about 10 years younger!

Jesse's little baby has such great role model in life now!

Does this family's weight loss inspire you to get into shape this year?

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