He Starts To Choke Her, But When He Turns To The Camera? I Can’t Believe It.

Coming face-to-face with a person who wants to hurt you is the stuff of nightmares, but this video might be the key to saving your life someday. The world is full of not-so-nice people, like this lady who parked in a handicapped space and started a nasty confrontation!

Being attacked is downright terrifying, but it's even scarier when the person hurting you is bigger and stronger than you are. Fighting off someone who's choking you can be nearly impossible when you can't pull their hands off your throat, so this self-defense instructor wants you to know how to break their grip and protect yourself.

I thought for sure that that little girl would never be able to defend herself against him, but at :47, he demonstrates a technique that I would have never even thought of! And what he says to do at 1:14? Ouch! Of course, it's best to use the power of words like this principal did whenever possible — but it's important to remember that, when it comes to saving your life, you need to do whatever is necessary.

Please SHARE this video with your Facebook friends and give them the knowledge they need to protect themselves! It might just save their life one day.