This is mind-blowing. I think anyone would be impressed with the level of talent, care, and skill that goes in creating this stunningly detailed image of a rose. However, once you realize what the canvas is, you'll come to have a newfound respect for the Hungarian chef, Judit Czinkne Poor. Chef Judit works at a cake decorating shop called Mézesmanna. The small studio's cookies are so unique, they've gone viral on the company's social media accounts. In the video you're about to see, the chef uses a three precision brushes to paint a stunning portrait of a rose onto a cookie using their royal icing technique.
Royal icing is the white icing often found on sugar cookies and wedding cakes. Made with eggs, lemon juice, glycerin, and sugar, the icing hardens on any nonstick surface. Thus, royal icing is the perfect canvas for chefs turned artists like those at Mézesmanna.
Some commenters are saying the end result looks to good to eat, "Omg! That's incredible and must take a lot of time and patience. I wouldn't want to eat that after."
What do you think of this cookie? Would you want to bite into something so beautiful? Let us know in the comments, and please SHARE this mesmerizing video with your family and friends!