Believe it or not, cows are playful and loving creatures that are full of personality.
For example, we've seen how witty they can be thanks to the cow that found a hilarious way to let herself out of her stable, and the cow that befriended a horse. Goes to show their desire to make friends just like dogs.
Below we see two other lovely cows, Panda (black-and-white) and Jazzy (brown), who excitedly meet a herd at California's Animal Place.
"Cows are generally easy to integrate, because they LOVE meeting other bovines!" writes Animal Place, which rescues animals from being slaughtered. "Cows, like dogs and humans, experience joy."
Panda is the first cow to approach the group of animals, while little Jazzy follows shortly after. The new friends spend some time getting to know each other right before they run off together. Panda, especially, couldn't get enough of her new friends.
The adorable moment touched several viewers, including one who commented, "Warms my heart to see the happiness they experience together and meeting new herd members! Every day I see a video of animals and their wonderful connection with us that show the happiness and feelings that they have."
Another wrote, "I've had the opportunity to meet cows at sanctuaries and it was great. They are like big dogs… playful, affectionate, and have their own unique personalities."
Watch for yourself below and please SHARE if you are also in awe by these happy cows!