For many parents, paying their children's college tuition is a struggle. Many families live paycheck to paycheck, wondering how they're going to pay the bills this month. These parents would do anything to give their kids an education, which would allow them to live their dreams. Parents hope that this chance will provide them with the tools they need to avoid the same precarious financial situation later on in life.
Glenn Dollison is one of those parents. His only daughter, Brittany, wants to be a teacher, and is attending Stephen F. Austin State University. But Glenn is having trouble paying for school. It would break his heart to tell her that she can't reach her goals because of money. Just like any dad, he often thinks about what she can do for the world, and how she can change lives, and he doesn't want to take that away from her.
That's when he came up with a plan: he would sell unique wood and rope creations, made in his backyard.
The simple pieces of art are made out of sanded and stained scrap pieces of wood and rope. The rope is stapled onto the wood to make signs. Glenn acknowledges that they won't make him a millionaire, especially when they're not selling the way he would like them to, but for this dedicated dad, anything helps.
But little did he know that during an interview with KGNS, his daughter was listening. And she couldn't help but run into her father's arms, moved to tears by his actions.
Watch the clip to see the emotional father-daughter moment.
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