School Teacher Wears Same Yearbook Photo Outfit 40 Years In A Row

This is seriously hilarious!

Dale Irby was a physical education teacher at Prestonwood Elementary in Texas. Back in 1973, Dale accidentally wore the same brown V-neck sweater vest and big-collared disco shirt in two consecutive school photos.

"I was so embarrassed when I got the school pictures back that second year and realized I had worn the very same thing as the first year," he told to the Dallas Morning News.

But his wife Cathy realized this was actually quite humorous, and challenged him to wear the outfit a third year in a row. Dale decided this was a hilarious idea, and so he agreed to do it.

Three years then turned to five, and then in every school photo in every school year to come. "Why stop?!" he thought to himself as the years passed by.

Over the course of the next 40 years, Dale — now retired and in his 60s — wore the exact same polyester shirt and knit sweater vest in every single official school photo. What started as an accident became a beloved tradition.

In the video below, watch as Mr. Irby ages throughout the years as his hair turns gray and his eye glasses change along with his sight. But notice how two things remain the same the whole way through — his sweater vest and shirt harken back to the disco days of the '70s.

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