Ah, dating. The word is scary and exciting and full of possibility, but its core meaning has changed over the years.
Just a few decades ago, dating was a whole calculated process. I don't want to say that dating was always more wholesome, because let's face it, humans have always been humans with their naughty sides. However, the whole courtship process used to have a certain level of romance and dedication that simply isn't there anymore. Maybe it's technology's fault, or maybe it's simply an inevitable shift in ideology, but either way, there is enough evidence out there to safely say that dating used to be much better back in the day.
Don't get me wrong, the fast-paced nature of the modern dating scene has it's own pluses, but there was something about many of the old-fashioned ways that meant less anxiety and more happiness.
Do you think that dating has gotten better or worse over the years?
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[H/T: Pulptastic, Wealthysinglemommy]
1. He Used To Have To Fight For You
In the good old days, a man would have to gradually win the affection of the girl he was interested in by being kind to her, and showing her that he could be a gentleman. These days, all it takes is a sentence or two typed out online and the date is set.
2. People Would Connect On A Deeper, More Personal Level
Dating used to help you find out things about yourself and the kinds of people you like. Potential couples would get to know each other deeply over time as actual human beings. That doesn't seem to happen now in many instances, as asking too many questions can get someone labelled as being "clingy." And online dating allows people to find out common interests before they even meet, leaving them little to delve into together.
3. Going On Dates Had More Concrete Direction
These days, no one can seem to figure out what they want, and the dating scene definitely reflects that. Dating used to have a specific purpose, and that was to find someone that you could potentially spend the rest of, or at least a good portion of, your life with. Things were much more goal-oriented.
4. You Didn't Have To Wait Ages For A Simple Reply
Before cellphones and texting were around, two people had to make a concrete date and stick to it. There was no waiting for hours to see if he still wanted to stick with the haphazard plan you made the day before. Replies would come promptly, and plans would be carried through.
5. Dates Were Actually Meticulously Planned
Dating used to actually mean going on well-planned, thoughtful dates. Today? They're more like finding a time that's least-inconvenient to meet at a bar or some not-so-creative location. Everyone today is so busy with work and errands that it seems like a hassle to plan too much.
6. He Picked You Up At Home
Picking up a girl from her house used to be considered the right thing to do. Heck, he might even have brought a bouquet of flowers. Now, women are told to never let a man know where she lives until after a date or two, which probably isn't bad advice. Don't get me wrong, erring on the side of safety is important, but the fact that the initial dates could invite fear definitely takes some of the romance out of the whole thing.
7. Love Letters Were A Thing
If a young man had a way with words — or even if he didn't — he would probably try to write you a love letter at least once. Taking the time to write something out with pen and paper and paying for postage is just not in the cards anymore. People today are much more used to the nonchalance of texting.
8. There Was Less Guesswork Regarding Your Status
You never had to guess if you were "going steady" or not. You either were, or you weren't, and you knew because you'd have a conversation about it. Dating nowadays means constantly wondering if the person you are "seeing" is "seeing" other people, and questioning whether or not it will be too encroaching to tell the person that you might have feelings for them. Just thinking about the whole dance makes me tired!
9. Breaks Were Cleaner
If you broke up with someone in the pre-internet era, that was that. Maybe you'd see them around town every now and again, but you wouldn't see them all over your social media feeds, or have access to basically everything about their life at your fingertips. Nowadays, there's always a little ghost of your past relationship lingering nearby, and it's not always a healthy state of mind to be in.
10. Dating Used To Teach You Actual Life Lessons
People used to learn a lot from the process of dating: how to interact with people, how to express feelings, and even how to politely dole out and accept rejection. These face-to-face interactions were all great ways to build up your how-to-be-a-human-being chops. Today we have the safety net of doing all of this behind a screen, making true life lessons more difficult to learn.
Do you think that dating was better back in the day? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends to see what they think!