The simple things many people take for granted can mean the world to another person. In this case, it’s communication.
Similarly to a man named Muharrem, who broke down in tears after being pleasantly surprised by strangers who used sign language to communicate with him, Sherilynn experienced a life-changing moment in the Starbucks ad below.
Her whole life, she struggled because of her inability to hear. Being deaf, Sherilynn wasn’t easily able to connect with people who could hear and often pretended to follow along in a conversation.
“I really felt left out, and it was a sad way to be. It’s not a good feeling,” says Sherilynn who moved to Hawaii. “Sometimes… I hate myself because I’m deaf and it’s so frustrating. I need to remind myself not to give up and to love myself, and to accept myself for who I am.”
After a long search to find people she could relate to, Sherilynn heard about a Starbucks event catering to deaf people. That’s where her whole life changed.
“I knew I wasn’t alone. They understood my pain. They could communicate with me,” she says. “And I was just so satisfied.”
And just wait till you get to the end of the video to see the inspiring message — it really brought a smile to my face.
Please SHARE this beautiful message with your friends!