Listen, don't get us wrong. We love avocado toast as much as the mimosa-guzzling millennial at the next brunch table over. It's tasty, it's nutritious, it photographs well, and, according to many baby boomers, if we just stopped eating it, maybe we could afford a gosh darn house!
Jokes aside, Epicurious recently made a bold statement when they announced that they were pushing avocado aside in favor of…peas?
Needless to say, the internet had some thoughts.
But it got us thinking. Why not peas? After all, there was a time not long ago when Brussels sprouts were the most reviled of vegetables, spurned by kids and adults alike. Now, you can't walk into a trendy, Edison light bulb outfitted restaurant without tripping over a maple covered sprout. Peas, as it goes, are actually incredibly healthful and nutritious little orbs. They contain a ton of necessary vitamins, are high in fiber, and low in calories.
Still, we were skeptical. That is, until we stumbled across this Del Monte recipe for Avocado Sweet Pea Toasts. Our editors recently attended an unveiling of some of the canned vegetable mainstay's new products, where they were also treated to tastings of some healthy (and easy to prepare) recipes. And, to their surprise, these pea-heavy toasts were a major highlight!
These toasts don't eschew avocado entirely, but rather supplement that gooey green goodness with a can ofDel Monte Sweet Peas. And readers, as in the fabled tale of the Princess and the Pea — it made a noticeable difference! The end result is surprisingly light, super fresh, and perfect for a nutritious summer snack.
Check out the recipe below to make it at home! And check out more of Del Monte's new recipes here.