Have you ever walked up to a piece of art at a museum, thinking it was a photograph, only to realize a few long seconds later that it's actually a painting? This has definitely happened to me more than once. Sometimes, a painting is so full of life and light that it's actually more impressive than a real photograph would be.
When a painter sets to work, they're starting to create a whole mini world that speaks to this one. Every artist has the ability to make a huge impact on our society with every piece they put together.
Marcel Witte is a very talented Dutch artist who creates some incredibly detailed, almost life-size paintings of animals. His creatures are so close to life, you might even be tricked into thinking it's a photograph for a just a moment. Then, you'll probably realize the starkness of the background, or the strangeness of the atmosphere that brings the painting back to the surreal realm.
When Witte paints this huge canvas a cold blue color, he's setting the tone for a very impactful piece of art.
As he painstakingly paints each and every strand of fur on these polar bears in this time lapse, you see just how much effort goes into his work.
But when you see what this mama bear and her two babies are standing upon? That's no sheet of ice, I'll tell you that much. This one really hits you hard and makes you think about the state of our planet and its creatures.
Please SHARE this stunning art with your friends and family on Facebook!
Fantastic polar bear painting by Marcel Witte. http://www.facebook.com/artist.marcel.wittewww.illustratedmonthly.com
Posted by Illustrated Monthly on Monday, March 14, 2016