A video that has gone viral makes an important point: Disneyland is not for everyone. While some love the theme park, that is clearly not the case for the boy in the video that has gone viral on TikTok. The video is short, but the boy's feelings are very clear: He is not happy to be at Disneyland in spite of it being called the "happiest place on Earth."
In the video, a woman asks the boy why he's mad. He's initially looking away from the camera and doesn't respond to her. Eventually, he says, "Well, because you bring me here." She moves the camera around to show where they are at the time the video was recorded: Disneyland.
"I hate this place," he says.
Some people in the comments could relate, while others told the woman who originally posted the video that she could take them to Disneyland instead next time.
"This is so my son," one user wrote. "He hates waiting in line."
"I feel this response 100%," another user wrote.
"Girl mine are the same that's why now I go alone and some people will never understand," another user wrote.
Watch the full video here.
The woman captioned her video with, "that first time I heard a kid say they hate disneyland."